Little Blessing Pre-School Handbook

Little Blessings Preschool  Handbook


Our Mission Statement:
The mission of Little Blessings Preschool is to assist families in their walk of faith, while working with parents in their God-given responsibility to train their young children spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically for life and for eternity.  We will do this by nurturing them with the truth of God’s Word in a caring Christian environment.
Our Philosophy:
Little Blessings Preschool exists to provide young children with a love for Jesus and a love for learning through age appropriate educational activities.  God has given the command: “Bring your children up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).  Our preschool is dedicated to the purpose of preserving and strengthening the Christian church so that the gospel of Christ can be spread effectively from generation to generation.
Our goal is to produce students who will be eager to learn and live as responsible Christians in their community throughout their lives.
Little Blessings Preschool is a ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School.  It operates under the direction of the principal of the school and the Board of Education of the congregation.  Immanuel Lutheran Church accepts the Bible as the Word of God, and is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
The children attending our preschool will daily hear the unchanging truths of God’s inspired Word, the Bible.  We believe in providing a program that offers a warm, nurturing environment, with varied educational experiences that fosters spiritual, social, academic, and physical development.
Nondiscriminatory Policy:
Little Blessings admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at this school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational, athletic, school-administered programs.

Little Blessings Preschool asks that when you are considering enrolling your child in our preschool  you see how ready they are for an environment different than their home.
  • Is the child toilet trained?  Please no diapers or Pull-Ups.  Accidents do happen, that is why we ask for an extra set of clothes.
  • Is the child able to separate from their parent for a few hours?  It may take a little time to acclimate to a school setting.
  • Is the child able to sit and focus for short amounts of time?
  • The child must reach the age of 3 before September 1.
Tuition and Enrollment Policy:
Registration forms are available from the school office.  Parents will need to provide a birth certificate for the child they are registering.  The fees for the 2012-2013 school year are:
                3K Program                        $150.00
                4K Program                        $300.00
                                Preschool Milk
                3K Program                        $12.00
                4K Program                        $18.00
If there remains an unpaid balance at the close of the school, the responsible party must make arrangements with the Principal and Board of Education to clear the account.

We hold weekly chapel services every Friday beginning at 8:05.  Parents are invited and encouraged to attend.  There is a special service on the first day of school in September and a closing service on the last day in May.
Mission Offerings:
God has truly blessed us with many things.  Physical, material, and spiritual blessings abound throughout our lives.  We have so many ways that we can give our time, talents, and treasures back to the Lord.  One of those ways is though mission offerings.  Each classroom has a ‘church bank’ in which monetary donations may be placed.  These banks are brought to our chapel services where the children bring their offerings to the Lord.  There is no financial commitment on your family.  This is a free will offering.  The faculty and students decide where this mission money will be designated.  Through our coins and bills the children are able to support the spread of the Gospel to others who might not know of him.
Hours of Operation:
Our 3K program is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:05-11:20 a.m.
Our 4K program is held Monday through Friday 8:05-11:20 a.m.
We follow the school calendar that is set by Immanuel Lutheran School.
School Doors:
Out of concern for the safety of all students, the school doors will be locked from 8:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m., and from 11:35 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  Any person entering the school building during those hours must go to ring the doorbell.  The door will be unlocked with a buzzer. The person should check in at the school office to the left before entering the school halls.  The doors will be unlocked from 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to the end of school for drop off and pick up of students. 
School Closings:
Little Blessings will close whenever the Waupaca School District closes due to bad weather.  If there would be a delayed start to the school day due to weather conditions we would NOT have school that day because of the shortened day.  Please listen to WDUX (92.7 FM) for school delays/cancellations. We will notify you by phone if we are forced to close for emergency reasons during regular school hours for such reasons as snow, power failure and the like.  It is very important to keep current information on file.  If you have a change to your home/work/cell phone please inform the school secretary and classroom teacher.
We generally have snack about 9:15 am.  We offer white and chocolate milk during snack time.  The cost for this is paid in addition to the registration fee.  Parents are to provide the snack daily.  We encourage parents to send healthy food selections.  Fruits, vegetables, cheese, crackers, granola/fruit bars, yogurt (there is a refrigerator in the classroom) are just a few examples.  We would discourage candy being sent to school.  During the school year, if families would like to share a birthday/holiday treat with the class just speak with the teacher.  Please indicate on the registration forms if there are any known food allergies.
School Picnic:
On the very last day of school all the children participate in the annual school picnic.  We begin with a closing chapel service in church.  The children are organized into teams.  The teachers plan activities and games.  A picnic meal is also provided.  All are expected to attend since this is a regular school day.
At Little Blessings Preschool our play is work, and that could mean sometimes we get a little messy.  We work with the children to strive for independence in caring for themselves, but the occasional accident may occur.  Please keep an extra set of clothing at school.     
  • Clothes be clean, comfortable, and washable without any holes or tears
  • Clothes that can be managed easily in the bathroom (elastic waistbands are the easiest for children)
  • Shoes that Velcro, tie, or zip.  Sandals need to have the toes enclosed and a strap across the back.
  • Shorts may be worn in September and May
  • Clothing should not promote musical groups, alcohol, or tobacco products; but should present a positive Christian influence.
As the weather changes, so must what we wear outside.  As the weather cools, the children will need to wear a jacket/coat with a good working zipper.  It would be a good idea to just keep a hat and a pair of mittens/gloves in their backpack.  As soon as we have snow accumulate on the ground, boots and snow pants will need to be brought for every day that your child attends school.
Health and Safety:
To help all students and staff stay healthy, please keep your child home when sick.  If they have any of the following symptoms please call the school office to report their absence.
  • Fever above 100 degrees
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Severe cold
  • Runny nose with discolored nasal discharge
  • Severe cough
  • Pink eye, crusting or mattering of eyes
  • Evidence of lice
  • Rash develops
  • Chicken Pox or other communicable diseases
Also, if your child develops symptoms during the school day we will notify you to come and pick up your child.  It is very important to keep current telephone numbers and whom to contact in case of an emergency.
State law requires that students show up-to-date immunization records before enrolling in school.
Medication Policy:
All prescription and over the counter medicine will be dispensed by trained personnel according to the parents’ directions.  All medications must have written permission from the parents.  Prescription medication must be in a current prescription bottle with the student’s name, type of medication and instructions for dispensing.  Over the counter medicine must be accompanied by directions for use from a parent and must be kept in the original container.  Parents must bring in medication to the trained personnel.  Students should not carry medicine.  State law requires this policy.
Parent-Teacher Communication:
Regular and frequent visits by parents are encouraged.  Parents may volunteer to assist teachers in the classroom, on field trips, or by sharing their special talents and interests.
If parents/guardians wish to arrange a conference at other times, the opportunity is always welcome.
If a problem arises and there are concerns about a child’s life and work at school, and/or a teacher’s performance, the following steps need to be followed based on Matthew 18:15-17.
  1. The parents who are directly involved are to bring the problem to the attention of the teacher and request a meeting.  The purpose of the parent-teacher discussions is to resolve the matter in a God-pleasing way in the spirit of the Gospel.  If there are repeated attempts to resolve the problem, and no solution is found,
  2. The parents and/or teacher are to request the help of the principal in resolving the problem and request a meeting.  Again, the purpose of the discussions involving the parents (who are directly involved), the teacher, and the principal is to resolve the matter in a God-pleasing way in the spirit of the Gospel.  If the problem cannot be resolved and no solution is found,
  3. Bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Education.  The full board may enter the discussion with all the parties who are involved, or the board may opt to establish a select committee to deal with the problem.  The purpose is to resolve the conflict in a God-pleasing way in the spirit of the Gospel.
It is wise to document and agree on what was discussed at each meeting to make sure that all communication is clear to all persons involved.  Parents are also encouraged to use the conflict resolution forms available in the school office.
Discipline is a way of correcting an undesired behavior and achieving an expected behavior.  Our classroom is set up to encourage appropriate behaviors from all children.  Praise and positive reinforcement will be used to reinforce acceptable behavior. 
Children are given opportunities to make choices for their own behavior.  We intend to use logical and natural consequences when working with children to help them see the results of their choices.
Child Abuse/Neglect:
In compliance with state law, it is the policy of Little Blessings Preschool and Immanuel Lutheran School to report any case of suspected child abuse.  Any teacher who suspects that a child under 18 years of age has been neglected or physically abused (including sexual or emotional abuse) by any person including parents or other persons, other than by accidental means, shall report immediately to the department of Social Services, the city police, or the county sheriff.
Field Trips:
Field trips may be scheduled at various times during the year. These activities are planned to enrich concepts that we have learned in the classroom. It may be planned that we have to drive to our destination.  Parents would be needed to chaperone and assist with driving.  The school office can supply you with a driver form that would need to be approved and on file prior to the field trip for you to take children other than your own.  Information regarding field trips will be sent home approximately 2 weeks prior to the date.  Students must have a signed parental permission form to participate.  If there is a fee included on the permission form that would need to be paid prior to the date.
Church Attendance:
While church attendance is not and cannot be required, you should know that we will regularly encourage you and your child to attend worship and Sunday school.  Through God’s Word our faith is strengthened.  The preschool children will also have the opportunity to sing in church services throughout the year.  A singing schedule will be available at the beginning of the school year.
Immanuel students who are residents of the Waupaca school district are eligible for public bus transportation subject to the same limitations and regulations that apply to public school students.  Preschool students would be able to ride the bus to school in the morning, but would need to be picked at the preschool dismissal time.  Please call the bus garage for further information at 715-258-4155.
Parking regulations:
For the safety of our children, a portion of our playground has been made off limits for cars from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.  Cars will not be permitted east of the bell tower.  Signs will be posted.  If you will be staying, or coming and going between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., please park south of the fellowship hall.  If your car will be here when the afternoon bus arrives, please do not park in the school drive-thru.
Please drop off children before school and pick them up after school at the sidewalk at the school entrance.
Bus conduct - riding rules:
In the event that public school officials or bus drivers report a student for misbehavior on the bus or at a transfer point, we follow these procedures as set by the Waupaca school district:
First Report - call parents, follow with letter, talk to student
Second Report - call parents, follow with letter, suspend from bus for up to 3 days (attendance at school is still required).
Third Report - call parents, follow with letter, student may be deprived of bus transportation for rest of school year.
A report of misbehavior on the bus results in an automatic detention.
Waupaca bus riding rules
  1. Be on time at the designated bus stop.  Help keep the bus on schedule, and sit in assigned seat.
  2. Stay off road at all times while waiting for the bus.
  3. Be careful in approaching the place where the bus stops.  Do not move toward the bus until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  4. Do not leave your assigned seat while the bus is in motion or while picking up or dropping off students.
  5. Be alert to a danger signal from your bus driver.
  6. Remain in the bus in the event of a road emergency until instructions are given by the bus driver.
  7. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus.  Do not throw anything out of the bus windows.
  8. No swearing, loud talking or unnecessary confusion that will sidetrack the driver’s attention and cause a serious accident.
  9. Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing so the driver can hear if a train is approaching.
  10. Treat bus equipment the same way that you would treat the furniture in your home.
  11. Help keep the bus clean and safe.  No eating or drinking is allowed on buses.  Put garbage in wastebasket.
  12. No large band instruments or objects are allowed on buses that take up a passenger seat.
  13. Keep books, packages, coats and all other objects out of the aisles.
  14. Take all your books, clothing and lunches with you when you leave the bus.
  15. Be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver.
  16. Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children.
  17. Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than your regular bus stop; you are not permitted to do this unless you have written permission from your parents or school officials.
  18. Be careful getting off the bus.  If you have to cross the highway, proceed at least 10 feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder of the highway where traffic may be observed in both directions. Then wait for a signal from the bus driver permitting you to cross.
General Reminders for Preschool Parents:
  • Label all your child’s personal belongings.
  • Please notify the school office if your child will be absent for the day.
  • Toys that represent weapons or violence will not be allowed at any time.
  • Field trip costs are expected to be paid before the trip.
  • Encourage your child’s independence but give necessary assistance when arriving at, or departing from school.
  • Please check backpacks for regular school correspondences.
The policies that are laid out in the Little Blessings Handbook are supplemental to the handbook which set been
set forth by the Board of Education at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School. 
Little Blessings in under the guidance and direction of the principal and Board of Education of Immanuel Lutheran School.