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Sunday Morning Class 9:15 (Sept - May)

 Leader: Pastor Siemers / Pastor Kempfert
Fellowship Hall

Meeting Day(s): Sunday
Meeting Time: 9:15 AM
Adult Bible Class, Sundays  9:15 am:  
Join us for a new study series beginning April 30, 2023. "A God Lived Life"  
 A God-Lived Life Stewardship Challenge – Starting April 30, 2023
Stewardship of what the Lord has entrusted to us is about so much more than our finances. It’s our whole lives. Jesus lived his life and gave his life for us. Our loving response is to imitate that.
For four months, two this spring and two in the fall, God’s Word will challenge us and we’ll be challenging one another to live a God-lived life. We will worship, study, pray, and talk about a life of being a disciple, a life lived for others, a life of hospitality, and a life lived shrewdly.
We will kickoff this challenge on Sunday April 30th. In each of the four months, we will be introduced to a challenge that we then prayerfully commit to carrying out the rest of the month. How will we commit to the challenges? As individual members, young and old, we are going to fill out a different challenge card each month. This will help to involve our Immanuel family in the challenges and help us encourage each other in the challenges.
May God bless us as we grow in his Word and in our lives of living it!